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Land of the living gods

Adepts believe it is a region that lies at the border of the physical and the spiritual. In the Himalayan regions entrances to Shambhala are guarded by Big Foot-like creatures.

900 million cities make up the realm of Shambhala, from the subterranean regions of the Earth spreading out to the lower Heavens.

Our small group explores the history of the creation by studying Biblical cosmology.


Where do you go to learn more about Biblical cosmology?

We are studying the Bible in groups and we will soon be living in gathered communities.


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Our mission

But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
John 4:14 KJV

Our ministry exists to bring revelation knowledge to the Church of the Firstborn, the Prototokos.

Hebrews 12:23 KJV

What should I do now?

If any part of this message resonates with you, please contact us and join our Bible study group. It doesn’t matter where in the world you are, we want to hear from you.

1. Use the contact form below to send us a message.

2. Watch introductory videos in our growing library of Bible studies (click for our YouTube channel). Remember, these are introductory videos. We explore more advanced principles when you study with us.

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Copyright © 2025 Glorifyd Media Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Digital church by Christ Jesus.

Glorifyd Media Ministries, Inc., is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3), non-profit, religious corporation. Our ministry is specifically dedicated to studying and teaching Biblical scripture, disseminating the gospel of Jesus Christ, and promoting the fact that freedom to practice Christianity is a God-given right.

The purpose of our ministry is to publish and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ among all nations, to use all forms of media and communication to reach God’s people, to establish and maintain a program of discipleship and spiritual growth, and to bring the Word to communities around the world. May the Lord continue to richly bless you! Amen.

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